Civil Centre for Peace, Justice and Development (CCPJD) is a nongovernmental organization registered under the companies and allied matters act. CCPJD was constituted in 2006 and registered in 2012 as a result of the sufferings of ethnic minorities and indigenous people of the Niger Delta and Nigeria, especially women and children who have become vulnerable, marginalized and underdeveloped. CCPJD works to take action against human rights abuse of a;; forms, sexual and gender based violence SGBV, Prevention of and elimination of violence against women and girls VAW in all forms, gender discrimination, inequality, child abuse, and campaign on violence against women. CCPJD works against marginalization of the less privileged in the society, rendering legal aid and humanitarian services to continue the work initiated by the United Nations Women (UN women), United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Every Woman Global Treaty, United Nations Development Programs, (UNDP) and the sustainable development goals, The African Charter for Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR), The ICPF (International Commission on Peace and Food) The Convention for the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women(CEDAW),The Convention Against Violence Against Women, the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights.(UNDHR), The World Health Organization (WHO), The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and Sustainable Development goals (SDGs) by contributing and rendering humanitarian aid, legal Aid, Access to Justice, Providing services to victims/survivors of violence and support to human development, social-economic and societal growth.
CCPJD renders legal Aid support to the justice systems, minority and indigenous peoples rights, human development, social-economic and societal growth. CCPJD supports activities against gender discrimination, gender inequality, child abuse, social inclusion and Human Rights. CCPJD was constituted by a group of concerned scientists, professionals, international administrators, businessmen and women, social and community leaders. Over an eighteen year period, CCPJD has worked effectively to alleviate the sufferings of people from injustice, insecurity, inequality abject poverty, unemployment and hunger. CCPJD has conducted series of baseline research projects on a wide range of issues concerning national and global security, food security, social, employment, economic development, access to justice and the environment. From the outset, the objectives of CCPJD is to evolve practical strategies that could be implemented at the field level to demonstrate the feasibility of accelerating ending violence against women and girls, peace, justice and development process.
CCPJD worked with various non-state actors like the Minority Section of the United
Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), The International Federation for Women Lawyers (FIDA), Civil Liberty Organization (CLO), Human Rights Defenders (HRD) American Embassy (DSS) and various other Civil Societies. CCPJD is partners with UNITED COMMUNITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT – UNICODE (UGANDA)
CCPJD has carried out a lot of human rights projects which includes “”Taking Action against VAW/G 2018 and 2019.
CCPJD is in partnership with the Rivers state Judiciary to render free access to justice for women, girls and indigent Appeals with an office located at the customary court of appeal gender desk. She has collaborated with the Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (IHRHL), Medical Women Association of Nigeria (MWAN), Peace Path Initiative, the Ministry of Women Affairs and International Human Rights, Hope for the Hopeless, Social Action, Peace in the Niger Delta (PIND) and many more.
CCPJD has had Institutional grants, been involved in fundraising and has had some number of funding from donors such as the Peace Path Initiative, CEST ENERGY, TGAL limited, Mobile Telephone Network (MTN), and most recent the United States Department of States Security (American Embassy), please see our website www.
CCPJD is United Nations 2015 Global Champion for Women and has represented Nigeria, West Africa at the 8th forum on minority issues at the United Nations Headquarters Geneva Switzaland in 2015 organized by the The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Please see UN Live United Nations Web TV – exercise of police powers …then cliq again UN Live United Nations Web TV – exercise of police powers … see list of speakers we are number 18 on the list of speakers Also see: UN Live United Nations Web TV – Addressing the root causes of …then cliq again UN Live United Nations Web TV – Addressing the root causes of … we are number 27 on the list of speakers. Plz Cliq link.
Most recently CCPJD gained a Honours Award from the Institute of National Security and Intelligence Studies (FNSIS) in march 2017. CCPJD has intensified its work and advocacy for human rights, development. Peace and justice.
Where we work
We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, feedback, or ideas on how we can make a bigger impact, your voice matters to us. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re here and ready to listen.